Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Funny Stories

We all have them! Share a funny story or embarassing moment from the school year. Enjoy reading others' posts. It's good to laugh.


Anonymous said...

My first year teaching . . .

I was the tennis coach at NW and was required to go to the homecoming football game. My 7th hour students had been mentioning one of their soccer coaches in class A LOT - kind of ignored it. Anyway, they talked the head coach into telling this soccer coach he had to be at the game as well. At halftime, I see this group of 7th hour students walking toward me, almost pushing a young man along with them . . . this was their attempt to set me up!!!!

Long story short, it worked. Coach Todd and I have been married for almost 4 years.


Anonymous said...

I got an email one day from the counselor across the hall basically saying "do you hear something?" You might want to go check on [student] in the "work" station. as soon as i walked out of the learning center's main classroom into the lobby where the public computers are i heard the loud snores of one of my students. I called her name, but she didn't hear me she was so fast asleep. I had to nudge her a couple times before she woke up. the counselor heard the thunderous rumblings from inside her office, and other people using the computers in the lobby were wondering who was causing such a disturbance without a care in the world.

Anonymous said...

One of the rewards I give my students if they complete their work in a timely fashion is "free time."

I've also had to start taking my class of 25 that meets right after lunch to the bathroom all together as a group--so I don't spend the entire hour signing bathroom passes and handling the disruption of the door constantly opening and closing.

So yesterday, we all went to the bathroom, and when we came back, my kids began asking for "free time."

I said, We just had that.

What? they said.

Yes, I said.

No, we didn't! they protested.

Oh, you said, "free time"? I asked.

Yes, they said, their pretty faces upturned and hopeful.

I said, I thought you said "pee time"!!

I laughed. I guess they probably didn't.

Anonymous said...

I teach a number of students who are immigrants and not familiar with the nuances of English language. So on the day that McCain selected Palin as his vice president, I read the news online and immediately announced to my class, "Wow! It looks like McCain chose a woman for his running mate!" To which one of my Asian students repsonded, "Does that mean they are going to have little running babies together?" The whole class broke up laughing, as did I.

Anonymous said...

I coach football at West High. On Friday a new player showed up at practice. He said he wanted to join the football team. I asked him if he was sure that he wanted to play. He said yes. I then asked him why he hadn't come out at the beginning of the year. He stated "I've been in jail." I said "ok...good excuse" and turned back to my huddle.